So last night's debate wasn't anything special. If you've been paying attention to the Presidential race at all you learned nothing new. At different points (and sometimes on the same question) the candidates did not answer the question asked, surprise surprise. I was most disappointed with Obama's lack of an answer to the question whether or not health insurance should be treated as a commodity. I personally think we should have a national health care system that takes care of everyone. The current system only takes care of those that can afford it and those that can afford it are becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of the population. Obama did mention several times that health care is bankrupting many of us but did not go on to explain how these bankruptcies are destroying the legacy of the middle class (and any chance of the poor passing on anything to their children) while enriching the wealthy.
Do you think McCain referring to Obama as "that one" might be a cleverly masked racist comment (by using a pronoun meant for non-humans)? Another way to paint hims as "the other?"