I ran into this term being presented as a descriptive of the far-right gun loons: McVeighists. I'll just snag the word's usage from the thread:*
...Makes you wonder if somebody should start the American Security Foundation for Regulating the Militia Well. And we need to start calling them the McVeighists. Posted by Overreach THIS!
...Mercy me! The *REAL* history of militia in Whiskey Rebellion is that a bunch of insurrectionists didn't want to pay a tax. So, like these modern-day McVeighists, they took up arms against the United States government, i.e., a terrorist "militia." The United States used well-regulated troops (*not* seditionist wackaloons) under George Washington, fortunately, to successfully put down the treasonous "militia." ... Posted by Overreach THIS!
The McVeighists is very, very good. As in "There's way right, and then there's McVeigh right."
Or, if that's too subtle: " The McVeighists. Polite society brought to you by the people who blew up a day care center full of kids." Posted by erica
I agree, Erica, that we need to go there. That's who these people are. With their watering the tree of liberty by killing people. Domestic enemy is good, too. Let's try some honesty. "The McVeighists and our other domestic enemies." Posted by Overreach THIS!