Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Dear Mr. Conway,

I am a life long Democrat and progressive. My first reaction to your "Why?" ad is to want to vote for Rand Paul to punish you for airing it. I agree with absolute separation of church and state, feel "faith based initiatives" are bad for Democracy, feel religious institutes should be taxed heavily, and think religions are hoaxes meant to fleece the weak of mind. If I didn't know Paul was a lunatic I would pull the lever for him simply to punish you for this religious bigotry. There is a very good chance I won't vote for you regardless because of this senseless ad. I am an atheist and I vote and I tend to loath voting for pretentious Bible thumpers like you. Being a Christian does not make you a good person, and being a self-righteous, fear mongering Christian makes you an asshole.

Alan Miller
Louisville, Kentucky