Thursday, March 1, 2018

To the National Weather Service

Today the NWS decided to have a nationwide tornado drill... without doing shit to inform people it was going to happen, so I wrote them an e-mail:

What is wrong with you people?  You have the ability to text everyone in this country with a cell phone and let them know you're running a tornado drill.  You could also tell everyone with your app and put it on the site and any number of dozens of places but you just set off the damned sirens and let people scramble to figure out what the hell is going on.  If it weren't for a friend that managed to dig it up online (and I do mean dig) I still wouldn't know why the hell the sirens went off.  Do you want people to just ignore them next time?  Like a growing number of Americans I don't have or want a television set and I only have a wind up radio in the house.  Even if you announced it on the weather radio (I'm going to bet you didn't) by the time I could've gotten the radio, wound it up, and started listening the sirens would've stopped.  How in the world was I supposed to find out what was going on quickly?  This is such a huge failure on your part you should all be fired and replaced.  You're the Office of Communications for fuck's sake, why don't you actually do that part of your job and communicate with us?
Alan Miller
Louisville KY