Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Open Letter to Hillary: Gas Tax Holiday?!?

Senator Clinton, why do you feel it necessary to cater to the dumb fucks that voted for Bush? Who else would relate to someone who says things like, "I'm not going to put my lot in with economists" and “Elite opinion is always on the side of doing things that really disadvantages the vast majority of Americans.”(1)

You are espousing a tax break that would enrich the oil companies and do little or nothing for those of us that actually pay out of our pockets for the gas we use. Just like Bush ignored any advice from scientists you brush aside the opinions of hundreds of experts that say your tax cut will not change the price at the pump. You, Mrs. Clinton, cannot remember the last time you actually had to budget for something as cheap as (or as expensive as) a tank of gas. For someone with a personal wealth exceeding $1.5 million to say they understand how hard it is to pay for anything is such an immense lie it is sickening. To then play upon our difficulty in making ends meet by supporting a tax cut that will weaken the government and change nothing for us is just about the same as "let them eat cake." And you, an extremely wealthy and privileged white woman (married to a former President) accuse those that disagree with you of being elitist?!?

The "Tax Holiday" is one of the worst examples of pandering to the lowest common denominator that I've seen since Karl Rove first set up photo ops of Shrub clearing brush or Shrub's "tax rebate" bribery. We can barely afford to maintain our transportation infrastructure as it is, and with this never ending war in Iraq there ain't gonna be somewhere else to take the money from. So I might save a few pennies when I fill up my tank. Do you know how much more money a broken axle due to unrepaired potholes costs? No, you don't. Someone that works for you will tell someone else that works for you to get you a new car if the axle breaks. Those of us that work for a living don't have that luxury. Why can't we elect someone that works for a living?

I wasn't so sure I was actually against Hillary until this. I am now officially opposed to her. They're all politicians but she's one of those really nasty, scum sucking ones.