Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ann Coulter's Mouth Wired Shut

Though it sounds like a joke, it would appear it isn't. There are reports all over the web that Ann Coulter fell down and broke her jaw and had to have it wired shut. Ann is on my death party list so news of her tragic injury completely fails to illicit any sympathy from me whatsoever. We can only hope the wires realize where they are and attack her vocal cords.

Q: What's the sound of one tall, blond, hate filled bitch with her jaw wired shut?
A: I don't know but it's better than when her jaw isn't wired shut.

As best as I can tell at this point, the nearly 400 reports on this all refer back to this blurb from the New York Post's "Page 6" section. So much for independent verification. What's that you say? Why don't I independently verify this "news story?" How about because I'm not a paid journalist? I'm some shmuck with a computer linked to the internet that happens to know some stuff and have opinions about stuff... 'n' things. I just read stuff and then write things about it or post links or embed videos in my spare time. If you want to pay me to do this please do and I'll call around to hospitals and her publicist and stuff. Until you cough up some cash you'll just have to enjoy the fact I read this and then spent a few minutes checking it. At least I bothered to Google it. Damn, you're picky, my imaginary critic.