Fox, Coburn knew about affair before Ensign's admission
by Jed Lewison (Daily Kos)
Fri Jun 19, 2009 at 09:19:40 AM PDT
A week before John Ensign's admission that he'd carried on an affair with a former political aide, her husband wrote a letter to Fox anchor Megyn Kelly detailing the affair and appealing to Kelly and Fox for help...
Again proving they are nothing but a Republican propaganda machine, Fox "News" is the last network to report Senator Ensign's affair despite being the first and only network told about it by the adultress's husband, Doug Hampton, in advance of Ensign's news conference where he admitted to being a worthless SOB. Hampton only wrote to Fox News, and reportedly Ensign held his news conference because, "Mr. Hampton first approached the media. He approached a major television news channel before Tuesday. We learned of this fact before the press conference," Ensign's spokesman said. So Fox Noise tipped off Ensign and then did not report on the affair until everyone else had pitched in. Really reprehensible, but what more can we expect from these lying fuckers?
I think my favorite part of this is how Hampton tells Fox how much he admires them in his letter. And then they shit on him. Typical Republicans.