Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blast the Right Podcast

Jack Clark talks some big noise.

This week he points out the lies the McCain/Palin campaign have been perpetuating about earmarks. As you know by now (if you read this blog that is) the conservatives will believe even more fervently in these lies as the truth is shown to them. I think McCain/Palin are depending on it.

"Well, we know that our base will believe whatever we tell them more strongly after it's been shown to be a lie so let's just lie our collective ass off."

We can only hope there are more people in this country whose political leanings range from liberal to moderate than there are conservatives or we are fucked.

Some quotes from the most recent show:
Palin raked in $27 million in earmarks for Wasilla.

The national average per person for earmarks is about $50. Palin got her town $1000 per person.


The cold hard truth is, Sarah Palin is actually the Pork Barrel Queen of all governors.

Her current request is for $197 million dollars in earmarks.

This is more per person, than any other state in the nation!


Listen to McCain recently:

audio5: McCain

McCain: Here's an interesting fact. Governor Palin just mentioned she vetoed a half a billion dollars in earmark pork-barrel spending, and Sen. Obama asked for nearly a billion dollars in earmark pork-barrel spending! 932 million dollars, almost a million dollars for every single day he was in the United States Senate. It's remarkable!

The cold hard numbers make a mockery of what McCain said.

First of all, Obama's state, Illinois, has about 13 million people. Alaska has 670,000. You do the math.

Ok, I'll do it for you.

What that means is, Sarah Palin's earmark requests as Governor average $330 per Alaskan each year. Obama's average $18 per Illinois resident each year.

$330 Palin, and $18 Obama. And McCain condemns Obama?! Is McCain just confused again?