so I'm only just now able to make this post]
Sunday September the 14th the worst weather event in Louisville, Kentucky's recorded history blew through town. For over two hours we experienced sustained winds of 50mph with gusts over 75mph. Trees were literally ripped from the ground, splintered from their bases, and generally tossed around like toothpicks. The path of the storm was fairly wide and it appears it ran right up the Ohio River. I went out in the morning and took pictures of the approaching front, thinking we were going to get some rain and thunderstorms. Boy was I in for a surprise. Not only did we get almost no rain (just a few drops), the sun was shining and the skies were half blue with clouds racing overhead as trees were bent double, first one way and then another (explaining why so many broke). It was truly amazing.
You will find a collection of pictures I took after the storm here. Unfortunately, some streets still look like this a week later. Though we got electricity back about 12 hours after it went out, most houses and businesses around us are still dark. LG&E, our local utility, has been saying it may be another week before all power is restored.