Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beck and Scientology

I was going to write a long rant about banks just because I was ranting about it out loud yesterday but I'd rather point you at Gotcha Capitalism. I forgot to deposit a check a few weeks back and my account went overdrawn for maybe twelve hours. On the same day that the bank credited the check to my account the bank hit me for three "NFS Item Paid" fees... one second before they credited my account. Now you tell me, why would they do this? Because it's the main way they make their insane profits. This is a direct result of deregulation and deregulation is never for the long term good of the people. It hurts the poor the most and benefits the rich the most. It makes the most profit for the greedy SOBs that run this shithole country. Sorry. I don't usually feel like that. Only for a few seconds at a time. I blame Republicanism for my momentary flashes of homeland-loathing.

I didn't publish a rant about banks (that was just a cough) because I got distracted by this little thing about Beck. Scientology* is almost as big a bummer as Republicanism. Creepier no matter how you look at it.

And now the thought comes to me... does the fact that this blog (which, as far as I know, is read only by a close friend) mentions Scientology in a less than favorable light, does this mean that the cult members, millions of them, will be prevented from viewing my blog and therefore I will automatically have a vast negative readership? Just a thought.

*When I was Googling for a Scientology image I tried to open a picture of Tom Cruise and Firefox recognized it as other than a normal .jpg and opened a warning window. Crazy.


John M. said...

Beck's parents were Scientologists but he's generally avoided the topic and when pressed, defends them, saying, "They've done some good things."

Regardless, it's all B.S.

Cheeck this:


A bit telling, it is.