I do so love it when the righteous and morally indignant, holier-than-thou, uptight bitches of the world are exposed to the bright light of day. There's this guy in Utah that was cutting the nasty bits out of movies and selling the altered copies. Turns out he's a pedophile. It boggles the mind.
Daniel Thompson, 31, was so upset by the sex, profanity and violence in movies today that he opened a video store in Orem, Utah, offering major Hollywood films but with the objectionable parts manually removed. Hollywood studios got a court order shutting down the store in December because of copyright infringement, and in January, Thompson was arrested after police said he paid two 14-year-old girls for sex. [Salt Lake Tribune, 1-25-08]
Thanks to the News of the Weird.
Yeah, and when they searched his house they found tapes of all the naughty bits edited together. He was selling them on school playgrounds with a free bag of cheese thrown in.
Seriously?!? Sarcasm doesn't translate so well in print, especially in a situation when it's just not surprising. If you had written "and he was found sucking off 13 year old boys in a tree house he funded with his DVD sales" I wouldn't blink.