When I was a teenager I drew hundreds of cartoons with topics varying from a long "running" strip based on the Super Glue ads of the late 70's/early 80's called Super Goop to cartoons lampooning my friends and teachers. While at Tulane I drew a couple of cartoons for the school newspaper, The Hullabaloo, and I've even found one page of a cartoon I started in 1988 or '89 called The Adventures of Roach Man. That last one's kind of disturbing. The one page I have shows the birth of Roach Man caused when the radioactive spunk of a disgustingly fat janitor from the Nuclear plant (the seed spilled from a handjob from an underaged whore) lands on a roach who mutates into a human super hero. He was kind of a lame super hero as he was always running away from the lights, but I digress.
The internet has allowed my addiction to blossom into a daily routine with my morning coffee, the computer, and over a hundred comic strips, editorial cartoons, and animations. I get an e-mail from Mycomicspage.com every day that I actually pay for. Here's a list of these cartoons:
And after that I open all these cartoons in separate tabs in Firefox and read them. It is like having the daily cartoon paper I always dreamed of:
Beetle Bailey
Cats with Hands
Grin and Bear It
Hagar the Horrible
Hi and Lois
Loose Parts
On the FastTrack
Safe Havens
Pardon My Planet
Reality Check
Rhymes with Orange
Shermans Lagoon
Speed Bump
Zippy the Pinhead
- The unfeasible adventures of Beaver and Steve!
- Rob and Elliot: A webcomic updated Mondays and Fridays
- Funky Winkerbean
- Crankshaft
- white ninja comics
- Sinfest
- idiotbox
- Baby Blues
- Rudy Park
- Dilbert
- Drabble
- Penny Arcade!
- days o thunder
- Editorial Cartoons
- Harper's Magazine
- vince ofarrell
- PvPonline.com
- Sluggy Freelance
- get fuzzy
- Weird Adventures in Unemployment: Weird Beginnings Part Fifteen
- BEAR & KITTEN -- Updates Sundays and Wednesdays
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